To Build a Human-Machine Territory:
 The Refrain and Mobile technologies

The term “ritornello” means a recurring passage in baroque music for orchestra and chorus. It is a part of the music that returns periodically, like the chorus or refrain during the course of a song. The French term, “ritournelle,” used…

A Collaborative Mobile Cultural Mapping Workshop & Exhibition at ISEA 2015

Today I attend A Collaborative Mobile Cultural Mapping Workshop & Exhibition at ISEA 2015 The workshop started with the participants introducing themselves and briefly talked about their own research interests. Next, Dr. Martha Ladly took over to give a quick…

Visualizing of Human Spatial Movements From a Personal Perspective

Leibniz (1646-1716) once observed that all things “are, like ‘rivers, in a perpetual flux; small parts enter and leave them continually,’” suggesting that “‘the very substance of things’ consists in ‘their force to act and be acted upon’” (as cited…