
[2024] Ph.D. in Communication Studies
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Dissertation: Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Mediations: Affect, Power, and Subjectivation on Kaggle
Supervisor: Fenwick McKelvey

[2014] Master of Arts in Humanities Computing
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
ThesisMobile Media: New Mediations in The Urban Space
Supervisor: Geoffrey Rockwell

[2006] Bachelor in Social Communication
Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), Vitória, Brazil
Monograph: Memória em Rede: A Histórica da Imprensa Capixaba
Supervisor: José Antonio Martinuzzo

Professional Experience

[2024-Present] University of Waterloo ::: Waterloo, ON / Canada

  • Digital Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow @ Staging Better Futures

[2019-Present] University of Guelph ::: Guelph, ON / Canada [Remote]

  • Lead Developer @ CWRC Writer Project: JavaScript Developer & Interface Designer

[2015-2024] Concordia University: Montreal, QC | Canada

  • Part-time Faculty @ Department of Communication Studies (2020) - COMS 427: Social Media: Platform and Policy
  • Part-time Faculty @ Department of Communication Studies (2017) - COMS 369: Visual Communication and Culture
  •  Teaching Assistant @ Department of Communication Studies (2015 - 2016 | 2018 - 2019): COMS 240: Communication Theory
  • Teaching Assistant @ Department of Sociology and Anthropology (2019): SOCI 221: Sociology of Cyberspace
  • Research Assistant @ Machine Agencies Research Group (2018 - 2024): Researcher, Programmer and Interface Designer
  • Research Assistant @ Algorithmic Media Observatory (2018 - 2021): Researcher, Programmer and Interface Designer
  • Research Assistant @ Ethnography Lab (2019): Programmer and Interface Designer
  • Research Assistant @ Participatory Media Cluster (2015 - 2018): Researcher, Web designer
  • Research Assistant @ Education Makers (2017 - 2019): Web Designer
  • Research Assistant @ Youth Media Practices (2017 - 2018): Web Designer

[2016-2024] QuaEra Insights ::: Somerville, NJ / USA. [Remote]

  • Freelance Graphic and Interface Designer.

[2011-2014 | 2016-2019] University of Alberta: Edmonton, AB | Canada

  • Research Assistant @ KIAS (2016 - 2019): Programmer and Interface Designer. [Remote]
  • Research Assistant @ INKE (2011 - 2014): Researcher, Programmer, Interface Designer, and Project Manager.
  • Research Assistant @ Edmonton Pipelines (2012 - 2013): Academic Researcher, Programmer and Interface Designer.
  • Teaching Assistant @ DHSI - Workshop: Online Tools for Literary Analysis..

[2014-2015] Simon Fraser University: Vancouver, BC | Canada

  • Research Assistant @ HCSSL - Researcher, Programmer and Interface Designer.

[2012|2014] IIT - Institute of Design: Chicago, IL | USA

  • Research Consultant (2014) - Researcher, Programmer, Interface Designer, and Project Manager.. [Remote]
  • Visitor Research Assistant (2012).

[2006-2011] Fluxo.Art: Vitória, ES | Brazil

  • Art Director | Owner: Concept Art, Web Designer, Programmer, and Project Manager.

[2010-2011] Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES): Vitória, ES | Brazil

  • Part-time Faculty @ Social Communication Department - Course: Theories and Practices of Visual Language - Graphic Designing for print and digital media.

[2002-2009] Câmara Municipal de Vitória: Vitória, ES | Brazil

  • Communication Consultant for City Councillor Alexandre Passos: Journalist, Web and Graphic Designer.

Thesis and Dissertation

PhD Dissertation
Frizzera, L. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Algorithmic Mediations: Affect, Power, and Subjectivation on Kaggle. Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

Master's Thesis
Frizzera, L. (2014). Mobile Media: New Mediations in the Urban Space. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada.

Refereed Journal Articles

McKelvey, F., Simon, B., & Frizzera, L. (2024) [ACCEPTED]. Generative AI and the Information Commons: Controversy, Copyright, and Closure. Special issue “Generative AI Governance: Innovations, Institutions, Imaginaries” in Information, Communication & Society.

Reis, R., Zanetti, D., & Frizzera, L. (2020). A conveniência dos algoritmos. Compolítica, 10(1), 35–58.

Durocher, M., Thulin, S., Salles, J., & Frizzera, L. (2019). Step, step, rest, step: Challenging age-related norms and biometric bodies through self-tracking data-rematerialization. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, 1–18.

Frizzera, L. (2018). I/O: Reinforcing Newsmaking Practices Through Algorithmic Media. Stream: Inspiring Critical Thought, 10(1), 39–51.

Frizzera, L. (2015). Mobile Media as New Forms of Spatialization. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 40(1), 29–43.

Sondheim, D., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., & Windsor, J. (2015). Scholarly editions in print and on the screen: A theoretical comparison. Digital Studies / Le Champ Numérique, 6.

Frizzera, L., Radzikowska, M., Roeder, G., Pena, E., Dobson, T., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S. The INKE Research Group. (2013). Visual Workflow Interfaces for Editorial Processes. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 28(3), 26. doi:10.1093/llc/fqt053

Ruecker, S., Rockwell, G., Sondheim, D., Ilovan, M., Windsor, J., Bieber, M., Frizzera, L., Rodriguez, O., Kanaweera, K, Fiorentino, C., Sinclair, S., Radzikowska, M., Dobson, T., Blandford, A., Faisal, S., Giacometti, A., Brown, S., Brent, N., Michura, P. (2013). The Beginning, The Middle, and The End: New Tools for the Scholarly Edition. Scholarly and Research Communication, 3(4).

Proceedings Articles

Frizzera, L. (2023) AI, Competitions, and Virtual Medals: A Critical Look at Kaggle’s Data Science Community. International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

Reis, R., Zanetti, D., Frizzera, L. (2019). Algorithms and Disinformation: The role of YouTube in the Brazilian politics. Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Comunicação e Política (ComPolitica). Brasilia, Brazil. ISSN 2447-4797. Retrieved from

Montague, J., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., Sinclair, S., Brown, S., Chartier, R., … INKE TEAM. (2014). Seeing the Trees & Understanding the Forest. Digital Cultural Empowerment, 272–274. Retrieved from

Frizzera, L., Vela, S., Sondheim, D., Michura, P., Ilovan, M., Rockwell, G., … INKE TEAM. (2013, July 17). Designing for Multitouch Surfaces as Social Reading Environments. 35–37. Retrieved from

Mohseni, A., Sondheim, D., Frizzera, L., Rockwell, G., & INKE TEAM. (2013, July 17). The Tablet as a New Medium for Scholarly Editions. 34–35. Retrieved from

Frizzera, L., Ruecker, S., Radzikowska, M., Rockwell, G., Brown, S., & INKE TEAM. (2012, July 19). Workflow as Structured Surfaces. 324–326. Retrieved from

Sondheim, D., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., Windsor, J., & INKE TEAM. (2012, July 20). Digital Scholarly Editions: A functional Perspective. 36–37. Retrieved from

Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., Michura, P., Rockwell, G., Sondheim, D., Ruecker, S., … INKE TEAM. (2012, July 20). Visualizing Citation Patterns in Humanist Monographs. 37–38. Retrieved from

Book Chapter Published

Frizzera, L., & Zanadrea, A. (2005). Os primórdios da Imprensa no Espírito Santo. In Impressões Capixabas: 165 anos de jornalismo no Espírito Santo (1st ed., pp. 35–65). Vitória: Departamento de Imprensa Oficial do Espírito Santo.

Refereed Conference Papers

Frizzera, L. (2024) [ACCEPTED]. Predictions of the Self: AI and The Political Economy of Subjectivation. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR). Sheffield, UK.

McKelvey, F., Simon, B., & Frizzera, L. (2024) [ACCEPTED]. Generative AI and the Information Commons: Controversy, Copyright, and Closure. Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR). Sheffield, UK.

Frizzera, L. (2024). Exploração cognitiva, Medalhas virtuais e IA: Um olhar crítico sobre o Kaggle, a maior plataforma de competições de aprendizado de máquina. Intercom 2024. Univali, Balneário Camboriú, Brazil.

Frizzera, L. (2024). Nurturing Ab/Normal Bodies and Speculative Futures: How AI Mistakes Somebody’s Hair for a Bomb. Canadian Communication Association (CCA) @ Congress 2024. Montreal, Canada.

Diane. J, Brown, S., Frizzera, L. (2024). [ACCEPTED]  The Linked Editing Academic Framework (LEAF) in the multimodal annotation ecosystem. Reimagining Annotation for Multimodal Cultural Heritage. Rennes, France.

Frizzera, L. (2023) AI, Competitions, and Virtual Medals: A Critical Look at Kaggle’s Data Science Community. International Communication Association (ICA), Toronto, Canada.

Frizzera, L. (2023) From deepfake to shallow truths: algorithmic subjectivation and the uncanny self. Canadian Communication Association (CCA), Toronto, Canada. Congress 2022.

Frizzera, L., Cselinacz, M., Ilovan, M., Ensslin, A., & Rockwell, G. (2020). Knowing Ourselves: Building an Interactive Researcher Map at the University of Alberta. CSDH, London, Canada.

Salles, J., Frizzera, L., Rafla, M., Grullon, M., Rosa, S., & Loiola, F. (2020). Chatbot et Récit: Recherche-développement sur l’utilisation des agents conversationnels [chatbots] pour le récit audiovisuel. L’intelligence artificielle en éducation: avantages, défis et usages, Montreal, Canada.

McKelvey, F., Frizzera, L. (2019). The Political Narrative of YouTube Recommendation System: 2018 Ontario election. Canadian Communication Association (CCA). Vancouver, Canada.

Frizzera, L., Zamboni, J., Salles, J. (2019) PICT.IO: Developing a Collaborative Game for Humans and Machines. Canadian Games Studies Association. (CGSA). Vancouver, Canada.

Salles, J., Frizzera, L. (2019) Loto-doc: Exploring chatbot in interactive documentary. International Communication Association (ICA) Pre-Conference on Human-Machine Communication. Washignton, USA.

Reis, R., Zanetti, D., Frizzera, L. (2019) Algorithms and Disinformation: The role of YouTube in the Brazilian politics. Congresso da Associação Brasileira de Pesquisadores em Comunicação e Política. Brasilia, Brazil.

Salles, J., Frizzera, L., & Zamboni, J.(2018). A Human-Machine Collaborative Game. Presented at Camp Serrapilheira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Frizzera, L., Zamboni, J., Salles, J. (2018). A Human-Machine Collaborative Game. Presented at Conversation Cytoenne our l’IA, Montreal, Canada.

Salles, J., & Frizzera, L. (2018). Chatbot: Agente Conversationnel. Presented at Conversation Cytoenne our l’IA, Montreal, Canada.

Frizzera, L. (2017). I/O: Enforcing Idealized Newsmaking Practices Through Algorithms. Presented at the CCA, Toronto, Canada.

Scheiding, R., Sugiarto, M., Pedraça, S., & Frizzera, L. (2017). Nagasaki Kitty: A War Story. Presented at the CGSA, Toronto, Canada.

Frizzera, L. (2016). Accelerating Sharing Economy: Uber’s Dysfunctional Discourse of Technological Disruption. Presented at the CCA - Canadian Communication Association, Calgary, Canada.

Frizzera, L. (2014). Decoding Location-Based Information: Mobile Media Approach. In Experimental Interfaces for Reading 2.0. Chicago, USA: INKE.

Frizzera, L., Montague, J., Sperhacke, S., Bernardes, M., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S. & INKE Research Group (2014). Structured Surfaces for Digital Board Games: The DH Experience. Presented in the panel "The lifecycle of the interface” at the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, St. Catherine, Canada: CSDH.

Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., Windsor, J., Michura, P., Sondheim, D., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S. & INKE Research Group (2014). CiteLens: splicing text analysis with citation analysis. Presented in the panel "The lifecycle of the interface” at the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, St. Catherine, Canada: CSDH.

Li, T., Frizzera, L., Rockwell, G., & Ruecker, S. (1014). Reading INKE’s Collaborative Publication Network. In Experimental Interfaces for Reading 2.0. Chicago, USA: INKE.

Montague, J., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., Stéfan, S., Brown, S., Chartier, R., Frizzera, L., Simpson, J. & INKE Research Group (2014). Seeing the Trees & Understanding the Forest. Presented in the Digital Humanities 2014: Digital Cultural Empowerment (pp. 272–274). Lausanne, Switzerland: Digital Humanities 2014.

Montague, J., Frizzera, L., Sperhacke, S., Bernardes, M., Rockwell, G., & Ruecker, S. (2014). Have you ever been DH-experienced. In Borders Without Boundaries. St. Catherine, Canada. Presented at the Canadian Game Studies Association (CGSA), St. Catherine, Canada: CGSA.

Montague, J., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., Sinclair, S., Brown, S., Chartier, R., Frizzera, L., Simpson, J. & INKE Research Group (2014). Engaging Visualization Interfaces: Hybrid Dendrogram Visualizations for Text Mining. Presented in the panel "Thinking Visualization” at the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, St. Catherine, Canada: CSDH.

Frizzera, L., Vela, S., Sondheim, D., Michura, P., Ilovan, M., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., & INKE TEAM. (2013). Designing for Multitouch Surfaces as Social Reading Environments. Presented in the panel "The Design of New Knowledge Environments” at the Digital Humanities 2013, Lincoln, USA: DH.

Frizzera, L., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., & INKE TEAM. (2013). Touching the Physical World Through Mobile Media. Presented in the panel "'Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me': Restoring materiality to the reader” at the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, Victoria, Canada: CSDH.

Mohseni, A., Sondheim, D., Frizzera, L., Rockwell, G., & INKE TEAM. (2013). The Tablet as a New Medium for Scholarly Editions. Presented in the panel "The Design of New Knowledge Environments” at the Digital Humanities, Lincoln, USA: Digital Humanities 2013.

Li, T., Frizzera, L., Radzikowska, M., Ruecker, S., & INKE TEAM. (2013). Tangible Workflows: Feeling the flow of information. In @ the Edge. Presented in the panel "'Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me': Restoring materiality to the reader” at the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, Victoria, Canada: CSDH.

Vela, S., Frizzera, L., Ilovan, M., Michura, P., Sondheim, D., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., & INKE TEAM. (2013). Manipulating Multiple Editions with the Multi-touch Variorum (MtV) Project. In @ the Edge. Presented in the panel "'Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me': Restoring materiality to the reader” at the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, Victoria, Canada: CSDH.

Frizzera, L., Ruecker, S., Radzikowska, M., Rockwell, G., Brown, S., & INKE TEAM. (2012). Workflow as Structured Surfaces (pp. 324–326). Presented at the Digital Humanities 2012, Hamburg, Germany: DH.

Frizzera, L., Ruecker, S., Radzikowska, M., Rockwell, G., Brown, S., & INKE TEAM. (2012). Workflow Interface for Editorial Process. Presented in the panel "Interface to interface Research” at the SDH-SEMI, Waterloo, Canada.

Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., Michura, P., Rockwell, G., Sondheim, D., Ruecker, S., Windsor, J., & INKE TEAM. (2012). Visualizing Citation Patterns in Humanist Monographs. Presented in the panel "Designing Interactive Reading Environments for the Online Scholarly Edition” at the Digital Humanities, Hamburg, Germany: Digital Humanities 2012.

Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., Michura, P., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., Sondheim, D., Windsor, J., & NKE TEAM. (2012). Exploring humanist citation practice through visualization. Presented at the SDH-SEMI, Waterloo, Canada.

Rockwell, G., Frizzera, L., Sondheim, D., Ilovan, M., Windsor, J., Ruecker, S., & INKE TEAM. (2012). Rich Prospect Browser for Studying Interface Design. Presented in the panel "Interface to interface Research” at the SDH-SEMI, Waterloo, Canada.

Sondheim, D., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., Windsor, J., & INKE TEAM. (2012). Digital Scholarly Editions: A Functional Perspective (pp. 36–37). Presented in the panel "Designing Interactive Reading Environments for the Online Scholarly Edition” at the Digital Humanities, Hamburg, Germany: Digital Humanities 2012.

Sondheim, D., Rockwell, G., Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., Windsor, J., Ruecker, S., & INKE TEAM. (2012). From Print to the Web and Back: The Current State of Scholarly Editions. In Textual Studies in the 21st Century. Presented at the Beyond Accessibility, Victoria, Canada: INKE.

Sondheim, D., Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L., Windsor, J., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., & INKE TEAM. (2012). Remediation of Scholarly Editions: From Print to Web. Presented in the panel "Interface to interface Research” at the SDH-SEMI, Waterloo, Canada.

Windsor, J., Ilovan, M., Sondheim, D., Frizzera, L., Ruecker, S., Sinclair, S., Rockwell, G., & INKE TEAM. (2012). Implementing text analysis e-reader tools to create ad-hoc scholarly editions (p. 37). Presented in the panel "Designing Interactive Reading Environments for the Online Scholarly Edition” at the Digital Humanities, Hamburg, Germany: Digital Humanities 2012.

Ruecker, Stan, Geoffrey Rockwell, Stéfan Sinclair, Milena Radzikowska, Teresa Dobson, Ann Blandford, Susan Brown and Brent Nelson with Daniel Sondheim, Mihaela Ilovan, Jennifer Windsor, Mark Bieber, Sara Faisal, Alejandro Giacometti, Piotr Michura, Luciano Frizzera, Kamal Ranaweera, Carlos Fiorentino, Omar Rodriguez, and the INKE Research Group. “The Beginning, the Middle, and the End: New Tools for the Scholarly Edition.” at INKE Birds-of-a-Feather Gathering (Research Foundations for Understanding Books and Reading in a Digital Age: E/Merging Reading, Writing, and Research Practice). Ritsumeikan U, Kyoto, Japan, 18 November 2011.

Referred Conference Panel

McKelvey, F., Jones, M., Marinov, R., & Frizzera, L. (2024). The Consultation Machine. Canadian Communication Association (CCA) @ Congress 2024. Montreal, Canada.

Frizzera, L., Li, T., Montague, J., Rockwell, G., & Ruecker, S. (2014). Reading From a Distance. Panel presented at INKE ID Conference. Experimental Interfaces for Reading 2.0. Chicago, USA.

Ruecker, S., Vela, S., Ilovan, M., Romaniuk, L., Frizzera,Li, T. & Rockwell, G. (2014). The lifecycle of the interface. Panel presented at CSDH - Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, St. Catherine, Canada.

Ruecker, S., Rockwell, G., Frizzera, L., Windsor, J., & Radzikowska, M. (2013). The Design of New Knowledge Environments. Panel presented at the Digital Humanities, Lincoln, USA.

Ruecker, S., Frizzera, L., Li, T., Sondheim, D., Windsor, J., & Radzikowska, M. (2013). “Touch-a touch-a touch-a touch me” : restoring materiality to the reader. Panel presented at the CSDH - Canadian Society for Digital Humanities, Victoria, Canada.

Ruecker, S., Rockwell, G., Frizzera, L., Ilovan, Mi., Roeder, G., Sondheim, D., & Windsor, J. (2012). Designing Interactive Reading Environments for the Online Scholarly Edition. Panel presented at the DH 2012, Hamburg, Germany.

Ruecker, S., Rockwell, G., Frizzera, L., Ilovan, Mi., Sondheim, D., Windsor, J., & Radzikowska, M. (2012). Interface to interface research. Panel presented at the SDH 2012, Waterloo, Canada.

Referred Conference Poster

Cummings. J, Jakacki, D., Brown, S., Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L. (2024). Demonstrating the free web-based semantic editor. UK-Ireland Digital Humanities Association. University College Cork. Ireland.

Jakacki, D., Brown, S., Cummings. J., Ilovan, M., Frizzera, L. (2024).  TEI Semantic Encoding with LEAF-Writer. Canadian Society for Digital Humanities (CSDH) @ Congress 2024. Montreal, Canada.

Scheiding, R., Sugiarto, M., Pedraça, S., & Frizzera, L. (2017). Nagasaki Kitty: A War Story. Game Demo presented at the CGSA 2017, Toronto, Canada.

Frizzera, L., & Bartram, L. (2015). Interactive Social Media Cartography: #TransitReferendum in Vancouver. Poster presented at the I-Society, London.

Palmer, S. Z., Rockwell, G., Ruecker, S., Montague, J., Frizzera, L., Gill, A., & O’Donnell, D. (2015). The DH Experience. Poster presented at the Digital Humanities, Sydney, Australia.

Engel, M., Zwicker, H., Frizzera, L., Pedraça, S., Regattieri, L., Schoenberger, Z. & Windsor, J. (2014). Visualizing Homelessness. Digital Poster Presentation at the DH 2014, Lausanne, Switzerland.

Engel, M., Frizzera, L., Pedraça, S., In, A. & Schoenberger, Z. (2014). Visualizing Homelessness: Lessons from one city’s data. Digital Poster Presentation at the Hastac 2014, Lima, Peru.

Pedraça, S., & Frizzera, L. (2013). Edmonton’s Dynamic Shapes. Digital Poster Presentation at the Hastac 2013, Toronto, Canada.


)The Consultation Machine
In collaboration with Mauricie Jones

  • Featured at Mutek 2024 (forthcoming). Montreal, Canada A Human-Machine Collaborative Game.
In collaboration with Julia Salles and Julia Zamboni

  • Munich, Germany (May 22, 2019)
  • Quebec Numérique. (April 6-7, 2019). Musée de la Civilisation de la ville de Québec. Quebec City, Canada.
  • La Charrette: Art+Tech (March 23-24, 2019). La Factry. Montreal, Canada.
  • Let's Talk About Artificial Intelligence. (March 19 - April 12,  2019). 4TH SPACE. Montreal, Canada.
  • Mini-Maker Faire (November 16-17, 2018), Concordia University. Montreal, Canada.
  • Hackathon AI (November 11, 2018). ConcordAI. Concordia University, November 2018;
  • Discover ConcordAI (October 7, 2018). ConcordAI. Concordia University, November 2018;
  • Camp Serrapilheira de divulgação científica (September 4-7, 2018), Museu do Amanhã, Rio deJaneiro, Brazil.
  • Conversations citoyennes sur l’AI (June 16, 2018). Frontier AI. Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada.

Nagasaki Kitty: A War Story
In collaboration with Ryan Scheiding, Marylin Sugiarto, and Sâmia Pedraça

  • Part of an exhibition Digital Dynamics 2018: Interactions at THE MUSEUM in Kitchener Ontario. January 26 to May 13, 2018.

MX: Migration, Land, and Loss after Mirabel
In collaboration with Matt Soar

  • Part of the exhibition featured my visualizations of immigration data provided by the Canadian Government. It was held at Galerie POPOP (Belgo Building), Montreal, between March 29 and April 13, 2017.

Non-refereed Presentation

Frizzera, L., (2023). LEAF-Writer & NERVE and things in between. Presented at Making Links: Connections, Cultures, Contexts. May 5 - 7. Guelph, Ontario, Canada.

Frizzera, L., Ilovan, M., Zafar, H (2021). Nerve Interface. Interactive Demo. LINCS Conference 2021, April 29 - May 6, Via Zoom, Canada.

Frizzera, L., Salles, J., Zamboni, J., (2019). A Human-Machine Collaborative Game. Presented at La Charrette: Art+Tech, Factry, Montreal, Canada.

Zamboni, J., Frizzera, L., Salles, J. (2018). A Human-Machine Collaborative Game. Presented at Discover ConcordAI, Montreal, Canada.

Frizzera, L. (2014). Mobile Media Spatialization. Paper presented at Hucon 2014. Edmonton, Canada.

Frizzera, L. (2013). A crítica do Algoritmo: Entendendo as métricas [The Algorithm criticism: Understanding the metrics]. Labic HackLabViz(x) 2013, Vitória, Brazil.


Jakacki, D., Brown, S. & Frizzera, L. (2023). Creating Meaningful Texts Online. Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) @ Congress 2023. June 1, 2023. York, Canada.

Event Organization

HackYeg 2014
With Lydia Zvyagintseva, Luciano Frizzera, Colette Leungnan, Alexandrea Flyn, Nancy Sheng, Erick Christiansen. Edmonton, Canada. May 2014.


::: 2023
Concordia University - Department of Communication Studies - Travel Award

::: 2019
Concordia Conference and Exposition Award
Concordia University - Faculty of Arts and Sciences - Conference and Travel Award
Concordia University - Department of Communication Studies - Travel Award

::: 2017
Merit scholarship program for foreign students (PBEEE) - Fonds de Recherche du Québec.
Concordia Conference and Exposition Award
Concordia University - Faculty of Arts and Sciences - Conference and Travel Award
Concordia University - Department of Communication Studies - Travel Award

::: 2016
Concordia Conference and Exposition Award
Concordia University - Faculty of Arts and Sciences - Conference and Travel Award
Concordia University - Department of Communication Studies - Travel Award

::: 2015
Graduate Research Bursary - Bursary for research purposes for 3 years.
Concordia International Tuition Award of Excellence - Exemption from paying tuition fees at the international student rate.
School of Interactive Arts & Technology Travel Award

::: 2014
C.D. Nelson Memorial Graduate Entrance Scholarship - Simon Fraser University (SFU) Internal Ph.D. Multi-Year Funding package (MYF-I).
SFU Provost Prize
SFU Graduate Fellowship
Capes - Brazilian Government Scholarship. Selected as a fully funded doctoral student to award a scholarship to study at Illinois Institute of Technology - Institute of Design (IIT-ID) in the USA. [However, I chose to pursue my Ph.D. at another institution].
CNPq - Brazilian Government Scholarship. Selected as a fully funded doctoral student to award a scholarship to study at Illinois Institute of Technology - Institute of Design (IIT-ID) in the USA. [However, I chose to pursue my Ph.D. at another institution].

::: 2012
GSA Professional Development Award


Human Language

Portuguese (Native) / English
High Level

French | Spanish
Basic Level

Computer Language

Javascript | NodeJS | PHP | CSS | HTML | AS3
High level

No/SQL | C# | Python | XML
Basic level



Interface Design • Web Development • Visualization • Teaching • Graphic Design • Project Management

Software & Frameworks

Adobe Suite • Unity • Tableau • Gephi |React • Angular • D3 • ExpressJS

Research Interests

Algorithmic Media • Subjectivation • Critical AI • Critical Digital Media • Platform Studies • Media Studies • Data Visualization • Mobile Media • Social Media • IoT • User Experience

Work Sample

The XML & RDF online editor of the Linked Editing Academic Framework (Formaly CWRC-Writer).

Youtube Recommendation Scraper
Algorithm specialized in scrapping and visualizing YouTube Recommendation ratings.

Juno Chatbot
Research-development on the use of chatbots for audiovisual storytelling.

The XML & RDF online editor of the Canadian Women Research Collaboratory.

Ghost River
Mapping stories and the history of Saint-Pierre River, a major waterway now canalized and buried underneath Montreal.

A web-doc about change driven by a chatbot.

Dancing with Fitbit
Explore how the data and the lived self-tracking experience could be used to generate subversive forms of data materialization through choreography, sound, and visuals.

Twitter API Connector
Twitter API Connectors in Node.JS.

A collaborative drawing game that uses Artificial Intelligence to allow humans and machines to work together in order to solve game challenges.

Fitbit Data Collector
Fitbit data collector in Node.JS.

Mapping Campus Antiracism Protest
A prototype for an interactive interface to visualize Campus Antiracism Protest.

YouTube Recommendation RankFlow
Interactive visualization for the analysis of the Youtube recommendation algorithm.

Scraper for Open Journal System written in Node.JS.

Nagasaki Kitty
A story-based video game about the aftermath of the atomic bomb dropped at Nagasaki through the experience of a child. I was the programmer in this project.

Research Map of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Networked visualization to show the connections between scholars, department and research topics at the University of Alberta. This experiment was developed for the Kule Institute, and I worked as an interface designer and programmer.

$ynesthetic @wareness: Perceiving Air Quality Through Visual and Audio Inputs
This mobile app proposes to take a different look at the air quality data. It is a synesthetic experiment in which the meditated sensation of a numeric scale used to measure levels of pollutants in the city of Montreal is translated to be also perceived as sound and image.

Social Media as an Instrument for Civic Engagement and Political Pressure: The Cartography of #TransitReferendum in Vancouver
Interactive network visualization that enables people to explore explores the dynamic of social media networks and its impacts in the society, as well as ease the process of investigation of network graphs and social media interactions without using specialized tools.

Human Spatial Movement
An Interactive visualization that enables users to track and explore their movements through urban space.

The second version of a prototype tool to study different ways to manage and visualize documents in editorial workflow. This experiment is developed by INKE project and I worked as an interface designer and programmer.

MtV - Multitouch Variorum
Prototype tool to work with variorum edition on a multitouch table. This experiment is developed by INKE project and I worked as an interface designer and programmer.

Shaping the City
Visualization showing the urban blocks that constitutes Edmonton City's Area. This experiment is developed by Edmonton Pipelines and I worked as an interaction designer and programmer.

Prototype tool to perform analyze and visualize citation pattern in humanities monographs. This experiment is developed by INKE project and I worked as interface designer and programmer.

Visual Workflow
Prototype tool to study different ways to manage and visualize documents in editorial workflow. This experiment is developed by INKE project and I worked as interface designer and programmer